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The Falconers
This project documents the bond between falconers and their birds at Liberty’s Owl, Raptor & Reptile Centre and the dedication and skill needed to train and look after these amazing birds.
The Wrestlers
This project documents the mental and physical strength needed for pro-wrestling. It follows ASW wrestling school, and it's personalities, preparing and training for a big show.
The Magicians
This project is a study of magicians from the Wessex Magical Association through portraiture and still-life to depict their individual styles and characters.
The Drift
This is a photo essay about the New Forest drift, which is an annual event where free-roaming ponies are rounded up, for well-being checks. The images show the relationship that locals have with the forest and the ponies and the importance of helping to maintain an ancient tradition and Forest.
Bournemouth Tattoo Artists
This is a documentary project about the recent "boom" in tattoo studios in Bournemouth, UK, and how it has created diversity within the bournemouth tattoo scene. It is now being featured in Pier Journal's Summer 2023 issue.